Day care construction through a rental model — new early childhood education and care facilities risk-free

We build day care centers using a safe rental model. You will get new early childhood education and care facilities through a turnkey model without major investments.

See our brochure on how to acquire a day care center as a rental solution

We design and create bespoke rental day care centers for businesses, associations, and the public sector. Read the brochure and learn more about our approach to day care center construction, which ensures you as the customer the most straight-forward and stress-free experience possible.

Day care centers

We build day care centers to promote children's well-being

Sievi Hyvinvointitilat is an experienced specialist in building:

Building a new day care center to suit your needs

We build day care centers throughout Finland, whether you are a local or a nationwide operator. We design all premises according to individual needs and the expected number of children. Right from the planning phase, we will factor in whether the project is for a regular or a shift day care center, and whether preschool activities will also take place at the premises. We also build facilities for various types of themed day care centers, ranging from music to sports.

High-quality early childhood education and care facilities are created in collaboration with you

The creation of a new day care center is based on your needs, and you are welcome to take part in the process from the design phase onwards. We will keep you informed throughout the project, so that you will be able to have a say in the end result at every step. You decide the level of involvement you want to have in the project. We are experts in design, construction and building regulations, and all you need to worry about is letting us know what you need.

Health and safety are at the heart of day care construction

The cornerstones of building a new day care center include the functionality, sustainability and safety of the premises. We ensure that both the indoor and outdoor spaces are safe and healthy for children.

The indoor air in all the day care centers that we build is of good quality, and all facilities are equipped with room-specific temperature and carbon dioxide sensors, for example. We also pay attention to employee ergonomics and comfort. Furthermore, we focus on stimulating and safe playground equipment, which is designed to meet the needs of specific group sizes and age groups.

A rental day care center is a carefree option

We ensure that constructing a new day care center is a carefree experience for you. We offer facilities through a rental model, which is a risk-free way to build day care centers. You do not need to make major investments and can enjoy the freedom of being a tenant.

We will build a rental day care center for you based on our turnkey model. We will also manage all the project stages, from the needs assessment to land acquisition, facility design, construction, and commissioning.


Safe and functional facilities

We pay special attention to the functionality, sustainability, acoustics, soundproofing, and lighting of our premises. We also ensure healthy and high-quality construction, both indoors and out. Furthermore, we always use safe, healthy, and standardized structural solutions in construction.

Bespoke solutions

When designing buildings, we factor in the preferences of the day care operators regarding the facilities and their functionalities. As a service provider, you will be able to discuss the design brief, surface materials, colors, indoor equipment, and playground equipment, among other things, together with our designers.

Project management from start to finish

We always manage the entire building project, from acquiring the land to creating the design, constructing the buildings, and handing over the finished site. You will receive new early childhood education and care facilities on the date that has been agreed, while retaining the freedom of a tenant.


Would you like to discuss a potential project with us? Please do not hesitate to contact us and discover how we can put your plans into action.

Our satisfied customers

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Thinking of building a day care center?

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