Comfortable care facilities for all forms of care housing

We build care facilities for enhanced care housing, assisted care housing, and light care needs. We design all premises according to the needs of residents and staff. Care facilities will be at your disposal through a rental model, which is a risk-free way to build.

See our brochure on how to acquire care facilities as a rental solution

We design and create bespoke rental care facilities for businesses, associations, and the public sector. Read the brochure and learn more about our approach to care facility construction, which ensures you as the customer the most straight-forward and stress-free experience possible.

Care housing

We build general and enhanced care housing facilities

We at Sievi Hyvinvointitilat have extensive expertise in building projects connected to various types of care housing. For example, we have carried out projects for the following target groups:

We build care homes for every care housing need

Sievi Hyvinvointitilat designs and creates modern care facilities for care-sector operators of all sizes throughout Finland. We build homelike and practical care homes for the elderly and persons with intellectual disabilities, as well as care housing for substance abuse and mental health rehabilitants.

High-quality care home construction happens in cooperation with you

High-quality care homes are created based on good planning and collaboration with you. We will take your needs into account at every step of the project, and you will be able to have a genuine say in the end result.

With a reliable partner, you can trust that you will receive high-quality, accessible and homelike service facilities, where people can live happily and work safely.

Carefree care construction is easy

The construction of new premises is carefree, because we create modern care homes as an all-inclusive package, based on a turnkey model. We manage all the project stages, from the needs assessment to land acquisition, facility design, and the construction and commissioning of a new care home for a happy life. You will receive high-quality care facilities ready to be used, allowing you to focus solely on your core operations.

Renting a care home is a safe way to commission facilities

Constructing a care home based on a rental model is an easy and risk-free way to acquire new premises. Thanks to our single agreement principle, you can forget about expensive investments and enjoy the freedom of being a tenant. With us, the rental price and end result go hand in hand. In addition to the freedom, you will be able to have a genuine say in the facility solutions and rent level.


Safe and functional facilities

A care housing facility is a home to its residents. Therefore, special housing units are designed to be as homelike as possible. We also ensure that the care facilities we build comply with all statutory regulations. The facilities are practical and comfortable for both residents and staff. Our interior designer will help you select the most suitable surface materials, colors, and patterns. You decide!

We ensure that the financial side makes sense

With us, the content and rental price go hand in hand. As a care housing construction customer, you can genuinely influence the rent level through your choices. The service provider rents the premises, so expanding a housing unit or establishing a new one will not require major investments.

Project management from start to finish

Sievi Hyvinvointitilat controls the entire value chain of project management, from signing the lease to creating the designs, and from the construction phase to the handover of the finished premises. You can be involved in the project to the extent you wish, without any responsibilities or major investments. The facilities will be handed over to you on the agreed date. As a service provider, you can be assured that you will receive care facilities that meet your needs while having the freedom of a tenant!


Would you like to discuss a potential project with us? Please do not hesitate to contact us and discover how we can put your plans into action.

Our satisfied customers

“Meidän ääni on tullut tosi hyvin kuulluksi, kertoo Perusturvaliikelaitos Saarikan palvelupäällikkö Anu Kinnunen tyytyväisenä”.
“Jos haluaa keskustelevan ja turvallisen yhteistyökumppanin, niin ilman muuta voin suositella heitä vastaavanlaisen projektiin”, kiteyttää Validian liiketoimintajohtaja Mari Sundberg.
Kun aloimme käydä Sievi Hyvinvointitilojen kanssaan näitä keskusteluja, niin meistä tuntui heti siltä, että he ymmärsivät, mitä me tarvitsemme. Jo ne ensimmäiset piirustukset, jotka arkkitehti meille sen ensimmäisen keskustelun jälkeen toimitti, olivat sellaiset, että vau. He kuuntelivat, mitä meidän asukkaamme ja mitä me yhteisönä tarvitsemme.

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