Customer story

Peikkometsä Daycare’s New Premises in Espoo

A cozy sports daycare is being built in Rajamäki, Nurmijärvi. The versatile movement and play areas, both outdoors and indoors, make this every child’s dream daycare. The project will be completed in the summer of 2023.
  • Customer: Peikkometsän Liikuntapäiväkoti Nastola Oy
  • Address: Terveystie 3-5, 05200 Nurmijärvi
  • Project: Day care centers
  • GFA:672 M2
  • Construction:2023 - 2023
  • Seats:66

Sievi Hyvinvointitilat directly contacted Peikkometsä Sports Daycare about this opportunity, and the collaboration quickly took off.

The new premises for Peikkometsä Sports Daycare in Rajamäki were completed in July 2023. From the very beginning, it was clear that the yard had to become an adventure park that supports active movement.

The collaboration with Sievi Hyvinvointitilat started from the fact that they had a ready daycare building layout to offer us, and Sievi Hyvinvointitilat has exceptionally well considered Peikkometsä’s needs regarding movement and the layout, summarizes Peikkometsä’s Early Childhood Education Director, Hanna Hirvonen.

Customizing the Right Implementation

Sievi Hyvinvointitilat carried out the construction project by first creating a ready daycare layout, which was then completely customized to meet Peikkometsä’s needs. The layout had to particularly support children’s movement and play both indoors and outdoors.

– All the needs we had have been well implemented in this project, and Sievi has listened to us entirely regarding what we want from this project, Hirvonen states.

Close Collaboration Offers Smoothness

– The collaboration with Sievi has been very natural and extremely close throughout the year. We are particularly pleased with how quickly and on schedule the project was completed, Hirvonen summarizes the collaboration.

In designing the daycare’s interior spaces, a significant focus was placed on the functionality of the sports facilities. Only through close collaboration and continuous communication can a comprehensive solution be created without errors, ensuring everything goes according to plan.

The fairy-tale-like yard area features amazing climbing frames, a fantastic tube slide, several swings, a green field for ball games, and a sandbox for the little ones, ensuring that time spent outdoors is never boring. The play yard has even become something of a local attraction.

To achieve such a good outcome, it requires closeness, discussion, meetings, and listening. It’s great to note that Peikkometsä Sports Daycare feels that all of its plans have been realized in this new project. Sometimes, one must adjust their way of doing things to meet even the most demanding wishes of our clients.

Hanna Hirvonen describes the best aspects of the collaboration as follows:

– The best part of working with Sievi has definitely been the closeness, but she continues immediately:

– The second best, if not even the top, is precisely the schedule on which the building was completed here.

It is wonderful that we have been able to implement this project and continue to guide similar projects for Peikkometsä Sports Daycare in the future.”

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“Meidän ääni on tullut tosi hyvin kuulluksi, kertoo Perusturvaliikelaitos Saarikan palvelupäällikkö Anu Kinnunen tyytyväisenä”.
Kun aloimme käydä Sievi Hyvinvointitilojen kanssaan näitä keskusteluja, niin meistä tuntui heti siltä, että he ymmärsivät, mitä me tarvitsemme. Jo ne ensimmäiset piirustukset, jotka arkkitehti meille sen ensimmäisen keskustelun jälkeen toimitti, olivat sellaiset, että vau. He kuuntelivat, mitä meidän asukkaamme ja mitä me yhteisönä tarvitsemme.
Toiveemme huomioitiin todella hyvin. Pääsimme vaikuttamaan rakennuksen sijaintiin ja malliin sekä huoneiden ja toimintojen toteutukseen. Asukkaat ovat sanoneet, että uuteen kotiin on ollut ihana tulla.