Customer story

The modern bilingual Pähkinälehdon Hoivakoti – Hassellunds Vårdhem

The Pähkinälehdon Hoivakoti in Sipoo – Hassellunds Vårdhem is a highly modern and high-quality bilingual nursing home designed according to needs. The facilities are divided into two main floors, and on the ground floor of the property, there are three two-room apartments for couples to live together. The project was completed in early 2024.
  • Customer: Tuusulan ASR-Palvelu Oy
  • Address: Graniittitie 15, Söderkulla
  • Project: Elderly people
  • GFA:2050 M2
  • Construction:2023 - 2024
  • Seats:43

Sievi Health Facilities constructed a new nursing home in Söderkulla, Sipoo, for round-the-clock care for the elderly.

Pähkinälehdon Hoivakoti aims to create a homely environment for its residents, where each inhabitant feels comfortable and at ease. This emphasizes a humane approach and caring for well-being.

“Care is everything. Resident-centered and relaxed living so that care and safety are maintained. The resident always comes first”, says Mika Lindqvist from Pähkinälehdon Hoivakoti.

Good impression from the first encounter onwards

“Sievi Health Facilities was selected because from the very first encounter, it felt like they would be our partner in this”, says Mirja Lindqvist.

The collaboration progressed from the planning stage to the construction phase, involving much more than just building – for example, assistance in marketing and interior design plans. Mirja Lindqvist from Pähkinälehdon Hoivakoti describes the help they received as invaluable.

Through the selection of images and colors for the interior design, the nursing home’s spaces have been made cozy and comfortable for both the residents and staff. They create a positive and calming environment where everyone can feel at ease. The new nursing home was designed to be modern, functional, and ergonomic for both staff and residents.

Service in their native language and a successful project as the end result

Pähkinälehdon Hoivakoti is located in an area with a Swedish-speaking population, and the company wants to meet the service needs of the Swedish-speaking population in their native language. This is a significant part of the nursing home’s operation.

The project at Pähkinälehdon Hoivakot was carried out on a turnkey basis. Although there were challenges along the way, according to the Lindqvists, the end result was successful and met the needs of Pähkinälehdon Hoivakoti.

“The project has gone smoothly and well. There are wonderful and high-quality facilities where activities are now starting”, says Mirja Lindqvist from Pähkinälehdon Hoivakoti.

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